
When my daughter first started with Danielle, she didn’t speak when we were out in public. She is 6 years old but suffers with extreme anxiety. She hides behind me when she is around new people and puts her hands up to cover her face. We stopped daycare because they used to ring me to pick her up because she would get so distressed. As a Mum it breaks your heart to see your little girl struggle so much and not know how to help. I was completely lost when I found Danielle. Now I don’t know what we would do without her. Danielle is so welcoming and understanding, you feel like you have always known her. After just three sessions, I noticed Tahlia no longer hid behind me as much and she started talking when we are out in public. She is like a different kid! Danielle is incredible with children. She has taught me so much too!

Mum of Tahlia, 6

I found Danni through her Facebook page and thought I’d give her special needs coaching sessions a go for my son. I have already booked our sessions for the whole year. My Darryl has ASD and can be a handful to say the least. Danielle has taught him so much already. His violent meltdowns were happening every few days and would last for 2 or 3 hours. They still happen but nowhere near as bad or as often and sometimes I can even stop them before they happen. They are now working on trying new foods which anyone with an autistic child knows is not easy. Danni even took the time to help me set up a routine at home that I could use and checked in with me every few days. She truly goes above and beyond. 100% recommend. Thanks so much Danni!

Karren, Mum of Darryl, 4

I can’t recommend Authentic Learning Australia enough. Danni is so knowledgeable about learning and incorporates confidence building and growth mindset values into her services. It has been life changing for us. My son started tutoring with Danni last year in Year 2. He was so far behind, he hated school. Home life wasn’t a happy place because he was so emotional all the time. I was getting phone calls from the Principal of his school because he was having so much time off because he refused to go. Every single morning was a battle and then every single afternoon was a meltdown. Everyone in the house was suffering and it was taking a toll on my marriage as my husband and I would argue about what to do. Fast forward 6 months and Kaleb now reads every night. We read as a family as part of the bedtime routine so it has helped us feel closer as a family. We enjoy each others company again. His confidence is coming back and smiles again too. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Danielle, we are so glad we found you when we did.

Rebecca and Rob, Parents of Kaleb

Danielle has taught my 8yr old daughter for the entirety of this year as I pulled her out of mainstream and chose to homeschool her. My daughter still needed something structured but fun and Danielle provided this in more ways than one as she was able to create a desire for learning using all the fun orientated avenues, which mainstream cannot with 26 students within a class as well as strict guidelines. Danielle absolutely adores her job and the children and ensures she covers all of the necessities within her framework. I highly recommend Danielle at Authentic Learning for one on one sessions, tutoring or any group type classes. THANKS a bunch Danielle and missy always thoroughly enjoys her time with you xo

Tash Thompson

The homeschool classes are that perfect blend for us. We didn’t want a highly structured classroom set up but we didn’t really want the Montessori style either. We wanted a balance between the two and we feel that is exactly what Danielle offers. Our daughter LOVES coming to the sessions each week and talks non stop on the way home about all the cool stuff they do and learn. Danielle takes what the kids want to learn about and builds the curriculum into it, we just love that! Thank you for all that you do Danielle, you take the pressure off us so we can enjoy more quality family time together.


I came to Danielle at Authentic Learning Australia knowing in my heart of hearts that if I enrolled my son (4) into mainstream schooling he just would not cope well. He has quite bad separation anxiety and after doing a trial at mainstream school I knew I had to find an alternative. We both went along to an orientation meeting with Danielle and afterwards I knew it was going to be the right for us all. So I enrolled him then and there. Since going to Danielle my son has come along in leaps and bounds. He has been taught coping skills such as breathing techniques to deal with his anxieties and he is much more confident within himself. It hasn’t been easy for him (or myself) at times but Danielle has supported us both every step of the way and I am so grateful that my son can develop and grow at his own pace, in his own time. Thanks so much Authentic Learning Australia


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