Homeschooling |

Homeschooling allows the freedom to customise your child's education to meet their individual needs and interests, while also building strong family relationships. Our Homeschooling Service is available throughout Mandurah and the Peel Region.

Homeschooling Services in Mandurah and Peel

What is Homeschooling?

What is homeschooling? Homeschooling is an educational option where children are educated at home, instead of attending school. It allows parents the freedom to customise their children's education to meet their individual needs and interests, while also providing the opportunity to build strong family relationships and create a supportive learning environment.

Why Homeschooling?

Schools are a busy place, with large class sizes, a heavy curriculum, and often limitations on how
much differentiation or support they can offer. It is important to recognize that everyone learns and develops in different ways and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to education.
Homeschooling can provide flexibility when it comes to scheduling and curriculum, allowing parents to customise their children’s education in ways that may not be available in a traditional school setting.

Communication & Feedback

Clear, open & honest communication is one of our values at Authentic Learning Australia. We provide written feedback at the end of each tutoring session outlining:

  • What tasks were carried out
  • The outcomes of each task
  • Where to next

You can call us anytime to have a chat about your child’s learning. We provide our services throughout Mandurah and Peel. Simply pop us a message and we will arrange the rest.

Benefits of Homeschooling


You create the schedule and customise the curriculum.

Increased Family Time

You get quality and quantity all in one.

Learning Environment

Learning can be done when and where you want.

More Time for Exploration

Children have more time exploring and learning outside of the traditional
classroom setting.

Personalised Education

Curriculum is explicitly tailored to your child’s individual needs.

Academic Results

Children are taught in a holistic manner, without the need to contend with 30 odd other children for attention. Teaching and learning is matched to their individual needs resulting in high learning outcomes.

Practical Life Skills

take away the performance anxiety, large class sizes, overworked teachers, limited support and burn out. Replace it with more time in the home, creative independent thinking, and the ability to integrate life skills into living and learning.

Homeschool Classes in Mandurah and Peel

Homeschool Classes

At Authentic Learning Australia, we provide small group classes to support the homeschooling experience in Mandurah and Peel.
Our homeschooling classes run for three hours once a week from Dawesville and are aligned with the Australian National Curriculum. We currently have classes for children from K-4.


Children are at the centre of our programs and are directly involved with programming and content selection. We explicitly cover the English and Mathematics Curriculum and integrate other subject areas into our programs such as Science, Art, Geography, Health and Cooking.

Children are directly involved with content selection. At the end of each term, we have a brainstorming session. During this session, the children grab some texters and a large piece of
butcher’s paper and are encouraged to write down anything and everything they would like to see on the next terms program. They love these sessions! The information is directly used to guide the following terms program. You can’t get much more student aligned than that!

Our programs place a strong focus on Social and Emotional Health and Wellbeing. We integrate
holistic practices that foster the needs of the whole child and include creative, interactive, hands-on experiences that allow children to move around. Activities such as cooking, music and movement, song and dance, puppets and storytelling, role play, construction, sensory stations, loose parts, water play, outdoor games and activities are all included in our classes. We even visit the local parks, beaches and native kangaroos.

Our Homeschooling classes are run by Danielle, founder of Authentic Learning Australia and
qualified teacher. With over 20 years experience in the Community Services and Education field, you can trust that Danielle knows what she is doing. By tailoring programs, differentiating content and keeping class sizes small, we are able to meet the needs of every student that attends.

As Danielle says: “no one falls through the gaps and no one is left behind at Authentic Learning Australia”.

Homeschool Tuition Services in Mandurah and Peel

Class Sizes

We cap our classes at just six students!
This allows us to offer a premium service and ensures each child that attends receives a high quality, differentiated, inclusive program that caters to individual learning levels. It doesn’t matter if all six
students learn in six different ways, with small class sizes and the experience and expertise of Danielle, this is easily achievable!

Our small group sizes also allow for peer mentoring and learning. Research shows peer learning has a positive impact and can increase learning outcomes. We use a multimodal approach to teaching to ensure we meet diverse learning styles and maintain high engagement and motivation levels. Our sessions are fun and customised. The way learning should be!


We are located just one hour south of Perth, in a coastal suburb of Mandurah called Dawesville.

With the location of our classes only 300 metres from several parks and just 650 metres to the beach, we are lucky enough to utilise those areas regularly, often taking our work down to the park when the weather permits. We do not believe in sitting at a desk for 3 hours but rather we encourage an active learning experience. With daily kangaroo sightings, spacious parks and stunning
beaches, the location is absolutely beautiful.

Friendships & Community

Many of our families see each other outside of class and we love that! The fact we can help establish and foster friendships and community engagement, is something we are extremely proud of and strongly encourage and support.

Homeschooling Services Mandurah and Peel

Moderation Support Program

As part of the Homeschooling requirement, Moderation is carried out by the Department of
Education. These visits are routine and are designed to certify that your child is progressing. You are required to meet with your Moderator and provide evidence of learning.

As part of the Moderation Support Program we provide to all parents, you will be supported
through the Moderation process. We understand that this can feel overwhelming and stressful but it doesn’t need to be.

At Authentic Learning Australia, we view Moderation as an opportunity to showcase your child’s amazing learning achievements. We are here to guide you through the process and make it an enjoyable experience as you celebrate your child and their learning progress.

When you have an upcoming Moderation Visit, we ask that you let us know. Your child’s teacher will then provide you with annotated work samples, work books and an overview of your child’s learning, growth and development. On-going support, phone consultations and coaching throughout the process is also provided as needed.

Homeschool Teachers Mandurah

Essential Skills

Early Childhood foundational skills are crucial in developing a solid foundation and are building blocks for future learning. This class focuses on emotional intelligence and health and wellbeing with play based learning for beginning literacy and numeracy experiences. 

What is 'Fine Motor Skills' & Why is it so important?

Fine motor skills refer to the coordination and use of small muscles in the hands, wrists, feet, and toes to perform detailed tasks such as writing, buttoning, and manipulating objects.

Fine motor skills are important for a variety of activities, including writing, typing, drawing, cutting, and manipulating small objects. Having strong fine motor skills helps with self-care tasks such as brushing teeth, tying shoelaces, and buttoning shirts. It's also important for developing spatial awareness, which is the ability to accurately perceive the position and orientation of objects in space. Having strong fine motor skills can help with problem-solving and coordination, allowing for more efficient and accurate movement.

Anxiety in Childhood

It's understandable to feel anxious about childhood, as it can be a time of many new and
unfamiliar experiences. For some children, a specific change in their life, such as changing
schools, parents separating, a good friend moves away or they experience a traumatic event
can result in your child feeling unsafe as they experience uncertainty in their life. We all need
certainty to feel safe. Through story telling and play based activities, we aim to build your child’s sense of safety and develop a toolkit of tools they can use to assist in self-regulating and understanding their emotions.

Essential Skills is held in

  • Dawesville
  • 3 hours
  • 3 – 8 years.

Our Essential Skills class aim to support and promote the development of early childhood foundational skills including:

  • Speech
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Self regulation
  • Managing anxiety
  • Confidence
  • Social and life skills
  • Self help and fine motor development
Homeschooling and Teacher Services Mandurah and Peel

Contact us today for more information!