Welcome to

Authentic Learning Australia

Where no one falls through the gaps and no one is left behind.

Welcome to Authentic Learning Australia

Does your child seem to hold it together at school and then have a meltdown the second they get in the car? Is your child often ‘too sick’ for school but then seem absolutely fine the second you tell them they can stay home? Are they avoiding work and falling behind? Have you noticed a change in their demeanour, their self-esteem and confidence?

So often mental health is overlooked and truth be told, it is just as, if not more important than academic achievements. At Authentic Learning Australia, based in Mandurah and Peel, we focus on both, academics and mental health and wellbeing.

When we struggle with something, we are faced with challenges. One of those challenges is
addressing the mindset and story we tell ourselves. Lets face it, it doesn’t feel nice when everyone around us seems to understand something, but we just don’t quite ‘get it’. It is even harder when you are just a child surrounded by your peers, in a classroom, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Young children simply don’t have the life experience or skills to understand how this can effect ones mental health. They experience the effects though; the fear of learning, the hesitancy, sadness, anger, frustration, reluctancy, the lowered self esteem, avoidance, the off task behaviour and of course the gripping anxiety.

We have two options when we find something challenging. We can avoid it and experience feelings of not being good enough, not smart enough, that something is wrong with us and start to hate upon ourselves or we can change our mindset, set achievable goals, develop the skillset, make a plan, take action and rebuild that confidence they once had. We aim to do the latter with kindness, compassion and understanding.

Whether your child needs intervention or extension, one to one or small group, coaching or tutoring we have got something for you!
We treat your children as if they are our own; with understanding, kindness, compassion and respect.

Authentic Learning Australia - Homeschooling for Kids in Mandurah and Peel

Authentic Learning Australia's Services



Special Needs One-on-One

Our Values





Orientation Meeting

The purpose of an orientation meeting is to ease any uncertainty your child may be experiencing.
Together, we will build a clear picture of your child’s development and learning history so we can tailor an individualised program and set clear learning goals.

The first step you need to take is to book an orientation meeting. This is a great opportunity for everyone to meet and begin building a rapport prior to the first session. We offer this service in Mandurah and Peel.

During this meeting we will:

  • Complete enrolment forms
  • Learn about your child and their personality; what do they like and dislike? Do they like challenges or do they avoid tricky tasks? What type of learner are they?
  • Review documents relating to your child’s needs and education
  • Discuss what you would like to achieve
  • Develop clear learning goals
Homeschool Services Mandurah and Peel

Contact us today for more information!